Corporate social responsibility

At FutureCeuticals, we believe corporate social responsibility is about committing to care for our people, our communities, our planet, and the health and well-being of all. By making this commitment, we can help ensure that future generations have the same opportunity to thrive as we enjoy.

Our commitment to care encompasses our approach to the following three areas of corporate social responsibility:

  • Care for People:  We care for people by helping our employees grow and develop in a safe working environment. We also demonstrate our care for people through involvement in our local communities.
  • Care for the Planet:  We care for our planet by doing our best to improve the efficiency of our facilities, production processes and by implementing good agricultural practices.
  • Care for Health and Well-Being:  We care for the public’s health and well-being by researching the efficacy of many of our ingredients, by committing to handling food products safely, and by partnering with trusted suppliers.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility Reports

Please find links below to download our corporate social responsibility reports. As we continue to develop our corporate social responsibility program, we look forward to sharing more with you about our future activities and goals. For more information about the FutureCeuticals' / Van Drunen Farms’ corporate social responsibility efforts, please email

Download Our 2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report (English)
Download Our 2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report (Spanish)
Download Our Inaugural Corporate Social Responsibility Report (English)

Our Corporate Social Responsibility Policies

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
Anti-Human Trafficking Policy
Anti-Slavery and Child Labor Policy
Whistleblower Policy

Corporate social responsibility

Committing to Care for People, the Planet, and Health and Well-Being

At FutureCeuticals, we believe corporate social responsibility is about committing to care for our people, our communities, our planet, and the health and well-being of all. By making this commitment, we can help ensure that future generations have the same opportunity to thrive as we enjoy.

Our commitment to care encompasses our approach to the following three areas of corporate social responsibility:
  • Care for People: We care for people by helping our employees grow and develop in a safe working environment. We also demonstrate our care for people through involvement in our local communities.
  • Care for the Planet: We care for our planet by doing our best to improve the efficiency of our facilities, production processes and by implementing good agricultural practices.
  • Care for Health and Well-Being: We care for the public's health and well being by researching the efficacy of many of our ingredients, by committing to handling food products safely, and by partnering with trusted suppliers.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility Reports

Please find links below to download our corporate social responsibility reports. As we continue to develop our corporate social responsibility program, we look forward to sharing more with you about our future activities and goals. For more information about the FutureCeuticals' / Van Drunen Family of Companies' corporate social responsibility efforts, please email

Corporate Social Responsibility